Homepage of Rüdiger Heinzerling
Literature on quantitative structure analysis (QSA) of biblical texts
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Some entries are listed repeatedly with regard to different text sections:
Gen. 5/11 , Num. 1/26 and Deuteronomy.
This list contains a couple of titles about QSA in the narrower sense,
but also publications with alternative interpretations. They
differ considerably in regard to their quality as well.
- Ronald Benun, "Evil and the Disruption of
Order: A Structural Analysis of the Acrostics in the First Book of
Psalms", JHS 6 (2006).
Helmut Bodenstein, "Israel
und El Schaddai", 1994, unpublished. (see also S.
Helmut Bodenstein, "Die 70 Seelen des Hauses Jakobs, Eine
Studie zu Methoden der Textsicherung im AT", 1996, unpublished.
Helmut Bodenstein, "The Cave of Machpelah 'Israel' - an Ancient
Acronym, Defined by the Ancestors of Israel Buried at Machpelah", 1997,
David T. Bryan, "A Reevaluation
of Gen. 4 and 5 in Light of Recent Studies in Genealogical Fluidity", ZAW
(1987) 180-88. (Criticism of J.M.Sasson, "A Genealogical
'Convention' ...")
Philip R. Davies, David M.
Gunn, "Pentateuchal Patterns. An examination of C.J.Labuschagne's
theory.", VT 34 (1984) 399-406. (C.J.Labuschagne replied
to this criticism.)
Eisses, Karel Th., "Een ernstig spel met getallen - De Godsnaam
in Genesis 5", Interpretatie, januari 1996. (Dutch)
Peter Friesenhahn, "Hellenistische Wortzahlenmystik im Neuen
Testament", B.R.Grüner Amsterdam 1970, B.G.Teubner Berlin 1935, X
+ 312 pages.
Oskar Goldberg, "Die fünf
Bücher Mosis ein Zahlengebäude, Die Feststellung einer einheitlich
durchgeführten Zahlenschrift", Berlin 1908, 44 p..
Oskar Goldberg, "Das
Zahlengebäude des Pentateuch, Eine Geheimschrift in den fünf
Büchern Moses.", La Revue Juive 89/90 91 92 93 (1947) 13-22, 100-105,
142-149, 193-199. (There is a French version beginning with edition 94/95.)
Hans Werner Hoffmann,
"Kritische Anmerkungen zu einer neuen mathematischen Methode der Quellenscheidung",
ZAW 78 (1966) 219-224. (Criticism of Schedl, "Worte und Zahlen".)
Jeremy Hughes, "Secrets of the
Times - Myth and History in Biblical Chronology", Sheffield Academic Press
1990, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament - Supplement Series 66.
Benno Jacob, "Der Pentateuch - exegetisch-kritische Forschungen",
Leipzig 1905, 412 pages + 2 tables.
Benno Jacob, "Das Buch Exodus", Hrsg. im Auftr. des Leo-Baeck-Instituts
von Shlomo Mayer unter Mitw. von Joachim Hahn und Almuth Jürgensen,
Stuttgart 1997. - See esp. Appendix IV: "Die Zahl der Verse des Buches
Exodus" ("The Number Of Verses Of The Book Of Exodus") pp.1067-1070.
Casper J. Labuschagne, "The
Pattern of the Divine Speech Formulas in the Pentateuch - The
key to its literary structure", VT 32 (1982) 268-96. (
5 . - Criticism of Labuschagne's discoveries by P.R.Davies
and D.M.Gunn.)
Casper J. Labuschagne, "Additional
Remarks on the Pattern of the Divine Speech Formulas in the Pentateuch",
VT 34 (1984) 91-95.
Casper J. Labuschagne, "Pentateuchal
Patterns: A reply to P.R.Davies and D.M.Gunn",
VT 34 (1984) 407-413.
Casper J. Labuschagne, "The Literary and Theological
Function of Divine Speech in the Pentateuch", Suppl. to VT Vol. 34 (1985)
Casper J. Labuschagne, "Neue
Wege und Perspektiven in der Pentateuchforschung", VT 36 (1986) 146-62.
Casper J. Labuschagne, "The Life Spans of the Patriarchs",
in "Oudtestamentische Studiën", uitgeg. door A.S. van der Woude, Deel
XXV : "New Avenues in the Study of the Old Testament", E.J.Brill 1989,
121-127. (From Adam to Jacob)
Casper J. Labuschagne,
"Vertellen met Getallen. Functie en symboliek van getallen in de bijbelse
oudheid, Uitgeverij Boekencentrum B.V., Zoetermeer 1992. - In
: "Numerical Secrets of the Bible - Rediscovering the Bible Codes", D &
F Scott Publishing, 1999 Inc., ISBN 0-941037-67-3. (Review)
François Langlamet, "Arithmétique des scribes
et texte consonantique - Gen 46,1-7 et 1 Sam 17,1-54", RB 97 (1990) 379-413.
Gerhard Larsson, "When Did the Babylonian Captivity Begin?",
JTS 8 (1967) 417-423.
Larsson, "Is Biblical Chronology Systematic or Not?", RQ 6 (1969) 499-515.
(Answering Jacques Meysing,
"L'énigme..." )
Gerhard Larsson,
"The Secret System - A Study in the Chronology of the Old
Testament.", Leiden (E.J.Brill) 1973, VIII + 119 pages.
Gerhard Larsson, "The Chronological System of the Old Testament", Frankfurt am Main, 2008. 131 pp., num. tables
ISBN 978-3-631-57546-8.
Gerhard Larsson, "Chronological Parallels Between the Creation
and the Flood.", VT 27 (1977) 490-492.
Gerhard Larsson, "The Chronology of the Pentateuch: A Comparison
of the MT and LXX.", JBL 102 (1983) 401-409. - Jeremy Hughes commented on
this article in his "Secrets of the Times" page 6 note 1.
Gerhard Larsson, "The Documentary Hypothesis and the Chronological
Structure of the Old Testament.", ZAW 97 (1985) 316-333.
Gerhard Larsson, "Ancient Calenders Indicated in the OT.",
JSOT 54 (1992) 61-76.
Gerhard Larsson, "More Quantitative Old Testament Research?",
ZAW 110 (1998) 570-580.
Gerhard Larsson, "Remarks Concerning the Noah-Flood Complex",
ZAW 112 (2000) 75-77.
Gerhard Larsson, "Is The Book Of
Esther Older Than Has Been Believed?", VT 52 (2002) 130-131.
Gerhard Larsson, "The Chronology
of the Kings of Israel and Judah as a System",
ZAW 114 (2002) 224-235.
Ernst Laubscher, "Phänomene der Zahl in der Bibel mit
besonderer Berücksichtigung des Neuen Testaments, vorab der Offenbarung
des Johannes", Neuewelt bei Basel 1955, (Geschenk des Verfassers an Bibliotheken
und Bibelschulen,) 78 pages.
Jacques Meysing, "The Number of Verses of the Biblical Books",
Part I : CNFI XIV No.3-4 (1963) 35-40, Part II : CNFI XV No.1 (1964)
- Jeremy
Northcote, "The Schematic Development of Old Testament Chronography:
Towards an Integrated Model.", JSOT 29/1 (2004) 3-36.
David Salsburg, "Digit Preference
in the Bible", Chance 10,4 (1997) 46-48. - This short article is
good example of how to apply statistical methods to biblical texts,
written by a professional statistician. Salsburg "applies the chi-squared
goodness-of-fit test to the least significant digits found in lists of
numbers from Genesis, Numbers, Kings, and Ezra". - Unfortunately I discovered
this article only recently (Jan./Feb. 2001). It is considerably better
than my own paper called "Zeiten und Zahlen im Pentateuch - Kritik einer
'einfachen' Auslegung" (which I referred to in my 'Bileam'
article) , written in 1996 or so, that was concerned with a similar
subject. It was never published and, after having seen Salsburg's analysis,
never will. ;-)
Jack M. Sasson, "A Genealogical
'Convention' in Biblical Chronography?", ZAW 90 (1978) 171-85 (For
criticism cp. D.T.Bryan.).
Claus Schedl,
"Geschichte des Alten Testaments",
I. Band "Alter Orient und Urgeschichte", zweite, vollständig umgearbeitete
Auflage, Tyrolia Verlag Innsbruck 1964, XXVI + 428
pages. (There is a logotechnically reworked English edition from 1974.)
(Akzent 2)
Claus Schedl, "Worte
und Zahlen - Neuer Zugang zu den Genesisquellen",
ZAW 77 (1965) 259-267. (For criticism cp. H. W. Hoffmann.)
Claus Schedl,
"Talmud Evangelium Synagoge", Tyrolia Verlag Innsbruck 1969,
448 pages. (pp.291-335: 10 miracles acc. to
Claus Schedl, Cp. his book "Baupläne des Wortes
...", p.30/31: books and articles of C.Schedl.
Claus Schedl, "Baupläne
des Wortes. Einführung in die biblische Logotechnik.",
Herder, Wien 1974, 247 pages. (Akzent
Claus Schedl, " 'Der brennende Dornbusch'
Der Kosmos als Erscheinungsbild Gottes", in "Kosmopathie
- Der Mensch in den Wirkungsfeldern der Natur", hrgg. von Andreas
Resch, Schriftenreihe 'Imago Mundi' Band 8, Resch Verlag 1981, 677-711.
Knut Stenring,
"The Enclosed Garden", Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm 1966, 101 pages.
John William Wenham, "Large Numbers In The Hebrew Bible",
JBQ 25,4 (1997) 260-267. - Wenham gives a list of explanations how the
large numbers could have come into existence: Different types of textual
corruption as well as mis-interpretations of the Hebrew word 'lp.
- Dwight Wayne Young, "The Incredible Regnal Spans of Kish I in the Sumerian King List", JNES 50 (1991) 23-35.
5 and 11:
Michel Barnouin, "Recherches numériques sur
la généalogie de Gen. v.", RB 77 (1970) 347-65.
E. Berthau, "Die Zahlen der Genesis", Jahrbücher
für Deutsche Theologie 23 (1878) 657-682.
Donald V. Etz, "The Numbers of Genesis V 3-31: A Suggested
Conversion and its Implications", VT 43 (1993) 171-89.
- Bruce
K. Gardner, "The Genesis Calendar - The Synchronistic Tradition in
Genesis 1-11", University Press of America 2001, ISBN 0-7618-1969-X,
xx+374 pages. - Review by Sacha Stern - My review no. 3
Rüdiger Heinzerling, " 'Einweihung'
durch Henoch ? Die Bedeutung der Altersangaben in Genesis 5", ZAW 110 (1998) 581-589. (Akzent 6)
Samuel Külling, "Genesis
55.Teil: Gen.5,1ff", Fundamentum 4/1994, 11-14. (Report
on a discovery made by Helmut Bodenstein.)
(Akzent 3)
Samuel Külling,
"Geschlechtsregister von Adam bis Noah - von Noah bis Abraham. Sind die
Genealogien in Genesis 5 und 11 historisch und lückenlos?", Immanuel
Verlag (Riehen) 1996, 48 pp., contains the same short (German) presentation
of H.Bodenstein's discovery: p. 47/8.
Gottfried Kuhn, "Die Lebenszahl Lemechs Gen.5,31",
ZAW 54 (1936) 309-10.
Casper J. Labuschagne, "The Life Spans of the Patriarchs",
... (see above). pp. 121-123.
Jacques Meysing, "The Biblical Chronologies of the Patriarchs",Part
I : CNFI XIII No.3-4 (1962) 26-30, Part II :
CNFI XIV No.1 (1963) 22-26.
Jacques Meysing, "Contribution à l'étude des
généalogies bibliques - Technique de
la composition des chronologies babyloniennes du déluge",Rev. S.R.
XXXIX (1965) 209-229.
- Jeremy Northcote, "The Lifespans of the Partriarchs: Schematic Orderings in the Chrono-genealogy.", VT 57 (2007) 243-257.
Claus Schedl, "Geschichte des Alten Testaments", I.
Band ...(see above). pp. XV, 332-336.
Claus Schedl, " 'Der brennende Dornbusch'
... ", (see above). pp. 694-702.
- Sacha Stern, review of: “The Genesis Calendar: The Synchronistic Tradition in Genesis 1-11, by Bruce K. Gardner”, Dead Sea Discoveries 9/2 (2002) 254-258.
Dwight Wayne Young, "On the Application
of Numbers from Babylonian Mathematics to Biblical Life Spans
and Epochs", ZAW 100 (1988) 331-361.
Dwight Wayne Young, "The Influence
of Babylonian Algebra on Longevity Among Antediluvians", ZAW
102 (1990) 321-335.
- Dwight Wayne Young, "The Step-down to Two Hundred in Genesis 11,10-25", ZAW 116 (2004) 323-333.
- Dwight
Wayne Young, "The Sexagesimal Basis for the Total Years of the Antediluvian and Postdiluvian Epochs", ZAW 116 (2004) 502-527.
- Benjamin Ziemer, "Erklärung der Zahlen von Gen 5 aus ihrem kompositionellen Zusammenhang", ZAW 121 (2009) 1-18.
Numbers 1 and 26:
Michel Barnouin, "Remarques sur les tableaux numériques
du Livre des Nombres", RB 76 (1969) 351-64.
Michel Barnouin,
"Les recensements du Livre des Nombres et l'astronomie babylonienne",VT
27 (1977) 280-303.
- R.E.D.
Clark, "The Large Numbers Of The Old Testament - Especially In
Connexion With The Exodus", Journal Of The Transactions Of The Victoria
Institute 87 (1955) 82-92.
Eryl W. Davies,
"A Mathematical Conundrum: The Problem of the Large Numbers in Numbers
I And XXVI", VT 45 (1995) 449-469.
- W.M. Flinders Petrie, "Ancient Egypt And Ancient Israel", New Edition, Ares Publishers Inc, Chicago MCMLXXX, pp.40-47.
- Rüdiger Heinzerling, "Bileams
Rätsel - Die Zählung der Wehrfähigen in Numeri 1 und 26",
ZAW 111 (1999) 404-415 . (Akzent 7, cp. Akzent 8)
Rüdiger Heinzerling, "On The Interpretation
Of The Census Lists By C.J.Humphreys
G.E.Mendenhall", VT 50 (2000) 250 - 252.
(This is a short summary of the arguments presented in my review
; and there is a correction.)
- Rüdiger Heinzerling, "On the solution to the census numbers as proposed by Carsten Ziegert", review 5 (28.07.2009/19.12.2009).
Colin J. Humphreys, "The
Number Of People In The Exodus From Egypt: Decoding Mathematically The
Very Large Numbers In Numbers I And XXVI", VT 48 (1998) 196 - 213. (Rezension
/ Review )
Colin J. Humphreys, "The Numbers
In The Exodus From Egypt: A Further Appraisal", VT 50 (2000) 323 - 328.
(A response to Jacob Milgrom and M.
M. McEntire, "A Response To Colin
J. Humphreys's 'The Number of People in the Exodus From Egypt: Decoding
Mathematically the Very Large Numbers in Numbers I And XXVI' ", VT 49 (1999)
George E. Mendenhall, "The Census
Lists of Numbers 1 and 26", JBL LXXVII (1958) 52-66.
David Merling, "Large numbers at the time of the Exodus",
NEASB 44 (1999) 15-27. - Merling gives reasons why the large numbers do
not fit into the literary context of the Exodus. He believes the Hebrew
word 'lp to have been "misunderstood by later scribes who superimposed
'helpful' changes (i.e., totals) in the text to make it more exact and
impressive and, thereby, inadvertantly, caused the text to suggest that
the Israelites [...] had [...] a population numbered in the millions [...]."
(p.24) Merling writes from the presupposition that the "original writer
wrote to be believed" (p.24).
Jacob Milgrom, "On Decoding Very Large
Numbers", VT 49 (1999) 131-132. (Response to Colin
J. Humphreys)
Gary A. Rendsburg, "An Additional
Note to Two Recent Articles On The Number Of People in The Exodus From
Egypt and The Large Numbers in Numbers I and XXVI" , VT 51 (2001) 392-396.
(Response to Eryl W.Davies and Colin
J. Humphreys) - By the way: Rendsburg does not mention my criticism
of Humphreys' approach. When I asked him via e-mail if he was aware of
my work, he replied that he was aware of my VT short note, which in turn
refers to my ZAW article, but that a) he disagreed with my approach, and
b) he did not want to enter into a critique of my work since it was not
germane to the point that he was making in his short note. - Well, I disagree,
to put it mildly. I do not understand how one can know my mathematical
criticism of Humphreys' paper and then state that "the mathematics presented
by Humphreys is most convincing..." (p.394). It is most certainly not.
Jerry Waite, "The Census of Israelite Men after their Exodus from Egypt", VT 60 (2010) 487-491.
Gordon J. Wenham, "Numbers - An Introduction and Commentary",
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, Leicester 1981, 240 pages. - pp. 60-66
"Additional Note on the large numbers".
- Uwe
Zerbst, "Die Größe der israelitischen Bevölkerung
während der Wüstenwanderung und Landnahme", pp. 95-136 in:
"Keine Posaunen vor Jericho? - Beiträge zur Archäologie der
Landnahme", Uwe Zerbst & Peter van der Veen (Ed.), Studium
Integrale Archäologie, Studiengemeinschaft Wort und Wissen,
Hänssler Verlag 2005, ISBN 3-7751-4419-6. - Review (in German)
- Carsten Ziegert, "Die großen Zahlen in Num 1 und 26: Forschungsüberblick und neuer Lösungsvorschlag", Biblica 90 (2009) 237-256. - Cp. my review.
- Benjamin Ziemer, "Erklärung der wichtigsten 'demographischen' Zahlen des Numeribuches aus ihrem kompositionellen Zusammenhang", VT 60 (2010) 271-287.
Georg Braulik, "Die Funktion
von Siebenergruppierungen im Endtext des Deuteronomiums", Ein Gott - eine
Offenbarung. Beiträge zur biblischen Exegese, Theologie und Spiritualität.
Festschrift für N.Füglister. Hrsg.: Friedrich V. Reiterer. Würzburg,
1991, pp. 37-50. - Braulik claims this paper to be the first to analyse
groupings of sevens in the book of Deuteronomy. But already in Oskar
Goldberg's book of 1908 we find a detailled description of this literary
phenomenon. However, Braulik's research is more thorough than Goldberg's
and could be taken as a starting point for reading about this subject.
Duane L. Christensen,
"Deuteronomy 1:1-21:9", 2.edition (expanded from 1:1-11:32 to 1:1-21:9,
completely revised and updated), Word Biblical Commentary Vol. 6A, Thomas
Nelson Publishers (Nashville), 2001, cxii+458 pages. - Christensen's
revised commentary is the first English language commentary (afaik)
that incorporates the findings of C.J.Labuschagne's logotechnical analysis
(and C.Schedl's, resp.). A considerable part of Labuschagne's
material is being presented at the end of the sections on Form/Structure/Setting.
Furthermore, there is an excursus on numerical composition. So, if you
were waiting for an English language introduction to logotechnical analysis
in the shape of a commentary: this is the one. Additionally, you will find
information on topics like: 'Law, Poetry, and Music in Ancient Israel',
'The Trienniel Cycle of Torah Readings in Palestinian Judaism', 'The Numeruswechsel
in Deuteronomy', prosodic analysis ...
Ulrich Dahmen, "Weitere Fälle von Siebenergruppierungen
im Buch Deuteronomium", BN 72 (1994) 5-11. - This article is kind of a
continuation of Braulik's paper.
Oskar Goldberg,
"Die fünf Bücher Mosis ein Zahlengebäude, Die Feststellung
einer einheitlich durchgeführten Zahlenschrift", Berlin 1908, 44 p..
- Goldberg's small but important book contains - among other observations
- a couple of pages with numerical observations in Deuteronomy.
Casper J. Labuschagne, "Divine Speech in Deuteronomy", in
"Das Deuteronomium Entstehung, Gestalt und Botschaft", hrgg. von
Norbert Lohfink (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium LXVIII),
Leuven 1985, 111-126.
Casper J. Labuschagne, "Deuteronomium",
Prediking van het Oude Testament, deel IA, deel IB (1987) Nijkerk,
deel II (1990) Nijkerk, deel III (1997), Baarn, (each volume accompanied
by a booklet with logotechnical analysis).
Casper J. Labuschagne, "The Setting of the Song of Moses
in Deuteronomy", Deuteronomy and Deuteronomic Literature, Edited
by M. Vervenne and J. Lust (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium
CXXXIII), Leuven 1997, 111-129.
Background material:
Ernst Robert Curtius,
"Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter", 1948/19655,
Francke Verlag Bern München (608 pp.), Exkurs XV ('Zahlenkompositionen')
pp.491 - 502 .
Umberto Eco, "Das Foucaultsche Pendel", dtv 19956 (C.Hanser
1989), 769 pages.
Konradin Ferrari D'Occhieppo, "Der Stern von Bethlehem in
astronomischer Sicht: Legende oder Tatsache ?", 2. erw. Auflage, Brunnen
Verlag Gießen 1994, 186 pages.
- David M. Fouts, "A Defense Of The Hyperbolic Interpretation Of Large Numbers In The Old Testament", JETS 40 (1997) 377-387.
Niccolo Guicciardini, "Newton:
Ein Naturphilosoph und das System der Welten", Spektrum der Wissenschaft
Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Heidelberg 1999. (Section: 'Die Abkehr von der
Moderne', p. 36-51)
Hans A. Hutmacher, "Symbolik der biblischen Zahlen und Zeiten",
Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag, Paderborn 1993, 232 pages. (Gematry)
Georges Ifrah, "Universalgeschichte der Zahlen", Campus Verlag
Frankfurt / New York 1986, 600pages, 797 illustrations, tables and drawings.
- The french original: "Histoire Universelle des Chiffres", Editions
Seghers, 1981, Paris.
Siegfried Kreuzer, lexicon entry "Zahl", Neues Bibel-Lexikon
(NBL), Vol. III, Düsseldorf - Zürich, 2001, 1155-1169.
Karl Menninger, "Zahlwort und Ziffer Eine Kulturgeschichte
der Zahl", Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1979³,
(2 Bände in einem,) 218+IV+314 pages.
Papus, "Die Kabbala", Fourier
Verlag, 5. Auflage 1985. (Transl. by Julius Nestler.) 366 pages.
Clifford A. Pickover, "Die Mathematik
und das Göttliche", Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg 1999,
448 pages. (American original: "The Loom of God: Mathematical Tapestries
at the Edge of Time", Plenum Publ. Corp., NY.) - Pickover's book contains
- among many other useful informations - a nice presentation of Pythagoras'
numerology, including the tetraktys.
Jacques Meysing, "Introduction à la numérologie
biblique - Le diagramme SATOR-AREPO", Rev. S.R.
XL (1966) 321-352.
Jacques Meysing,
"L'énigme de la chronologie biblique et qumrânienne dans une
nouvelle lumière", RQ VI,2 Nr.22, Sept. 1967, 229-251. (Cp.
Larsson, "Is Biblical Chronology Systematic...")
Otto Neugebauer, "The Exact Sciences In Antiquity", Brown
University Press, 2. ed. 1957, 240pp. and 14 plates. - This book is a treasure!
Martin Rösel, "Übersetzung als Vollendung der Auslegung
- Studien zur Genesis-Septuaginta", Walter de Gruyter 1994, Beihefte zur
Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 223. - On page 144
(note 43) Rösel comments on G.Larsson's "The Secret System" in regard to LXX.
D.S. Russel, "Countdown - Arithmetic and Anagram in Early
Biblical Interpretation", ExpT 104,4 (1993) 109-113.
Udo Quast, "Zahlen und Zahlenreihen in Numeri 26", De Septuaginta
(1984) 103-114. - De Septuaginta - Studies in Honour of John William Wevers.
Ed. by Albert Pietersma and Claude Cox. Mississanga, Ontario, Benben Publications
1984. - (Quast's paper is on textual criticism of Numbers 26 with special
regard to LXX.)
Reinhard Wonneberger, "Leitfaden
zur Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia", 2.Aufl., 1986, Göttingen.
- Benjamin Ziemer, Artikel "Zahlen, Zahlensymbolik" in: "Wörterbuch alttestamentlicher Motive", - Darmstadt : WBG, (Wiss. Buchges.). - 2013, S. 462-471
- Benjamin Ziemer, Art. me'ah, in: "Theologisches Wörterbuch zu den Qumrantexten", Bd. 2, Stuttgart 2013, 545–553
(Akzent 1)
Michael Drosnin,
"Der Bibelcode", Wilhelm Heyne Verlag München,
Deutsch von Elisabeth Parada, 1997. (American original: "The Bible Code",
Simon & Schuster New York, 1997.)
Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips,
Yoav Rosenberg, "Equidistant
Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis", Statistical Science Vol. 9 (1994)
429-438 . (Abridged
Maya Bar-Hillel, Dror Bar-Natan, Brendan McKay,
"The Torah Codes: Puzzle and Solution", Chance
Vol. 11, No. 2, 1998, 13 -19. (This article can be downloaded from McKays
Website .)
- Randall
Ingermanson, "Who Wrote The Bible Code? - A Physicist Probes The
Current Controversy", Waterbrook Press 1999, xii+180 pages. - ( Visit the author's website.)
Brendan McKay, Dror Bar-Natan,
Maya Bar-Hillel, Gil Kalai, "Solving the Bible Code Puzzle", Statistical
Science, May 1999. (This article can be downloaded from McKays
Website .)
Karl G. Sabiers, "Erstaunliche neue Entdeckungen
Wissenschaft beweist: Die Bibel ist wörtlich von
Gott inspiriert", (Transl. from English.) 8. durchgesehene Auflage 1975,Heijkoop
Verlag Schwelm, 163 pages.
Heinrich von Siebenthal
und Peter von Siebenthal, "Im
Bibeltext verborgene Zahlenkombinationen als Beweis der göttlichen
Inspiration?", Erster Teil: Fundamentum Erstausgabe 1980, 35-52,Letzter
Teil: Fundamentum 1/1981 30-47.
If you are looking for publications in Old Testament research
in general, check out the 'Documentation for Biblical Literature
Innsbruck' BILDI .
- The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies " you can search for publications
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© seit 1997 Rüdiger